What is Allied Health?
The Allied Health Professions of Australia define Allied Health professionals as “those who provide essential care for people of all ages including children, older people, people with chronic illness or mental ill health and those experiencing disability.” [1]
It is a vital industry that covers a whole range of occupations from massage therapists to aged care workers and mental health workers, to name a few. The B4B platform offers a specialist Allied Health product that will give your clients peace of mind knowing they have the right type of insurance protection.
Allied Health with BizCover for Brokers.
BizCover for Brokers has 2 of Australia’s leading insurance providers offering Allied Health solutions, giving you flexibility and options when selecting the right kind of policy to suit the unique needs of your client.
We offer a comprehensive packaged product that includes Professional Indemnity* and Public Liability insurance* coverage, with the option to exclude Public Liability if not required.
Our broad coverage options include:
- Professional Indemnity from $250,000 to $10,000,000
- Public Liability Limits $250,000K to $10,000,000
- Insured Turnover up to $5,000,000
What Allied Health groups does BizCover for Brokers cover?
The B4B platform covers over 200 allied health professionals from Acupoint Therapists to Zumba instructors. Our Coverage also extends to cover:
- Sports and Recreation
- Aged and Disability Care
- Allied Health
- Complementary Therapies
- Exercise and Nutrition
- Medical Services
- Personal Care Services
Why choose BizCover for Brokers as your Allied Health insurance solution?
We aim to make the process stress-free when it comes to getting the right insurance options for your clients, and that is where our streamlined platform comes into play.
These are some of the ways we are empowering our brokers and the insurance experience:
- A broad appetite from some of Australia’s leading insurers that you know and love
- Bind your policies online in just a few minutes and receive policy documentation instantly
- Enter your client’s details in one single data entry and receive multiple quotes from multiple insurers and for multiple products
- Competitive premiums and policy terms
- Our platform is crafted with leading technology designed to manage the full policy life-cycle including amendments and renewals
- You are never alone in the process receiving the support of a dedicated service team via phone, e-mail or web chat.
Sign up to BizCover for Brokers today and receive multiple product quotes from some of Australia’s leading insurers in minutes. To find out more visit www.bizcoverforbrokers.co.nz or call 1300 295 262 to experience hassle-free insurance solutions.
Our team is ready to answer your questions and help you streamline your broking business.
*As with any insurance, cover is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in your policy document. The information contained on this webpage is general only and should not be relied upon as advice
^ We know, sometimes you just want a quick idea of how much your insurance is actually going to cost. However, it’s important to note that the data included within this article was sourced from BizCover for Brokers customer data during 2019/2020 and is intended as a guide only. It may not reflect pricing for your particular business as individual underwriting criteria will apply.
[1] Allied Health Professionals of Australia, https://ahpa.com.au/allied-health-professions/ , accessed 2020